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Full BluePrint Analysis


Imagine if there had been an instruction manual at your birth? How nice would that be?

It’s a little later, here you have your personal user manual in your hands. Finally

In the 18-page BluePrint Analysis, you get:

  • Your personal affirmation, which helps you be the best version of yourself.
  • A clear explanation of how to calculate the numbers yourself, so you can work with them independently.
  • The number that represents your relationship to your soul, which gives you insight into what is really important to you.
  • The number of your heart, which gives you insight into your relationships, both with yourself and with others.
  • The number that gives you insight into what you may learn in this life, so that you understand why certain events in your life come back again and again.
  • What your gift is, so that you can embrace it even more and make yourself and others happy with it.
  • Insight into what your soul has done in previous lives, which makes it easier(r) for you now.
  • Clarity about what really makes you happy deep inside and how you can pay more attention to that.
  • Specific yoga and meditation exercises to help you embrace your gift and innate qualities even more.
  • A tailor-made tip for each part of your personal manual, so you can get to know yourself even better and be more in the flow.
  • A breathing exercise to help you embrace your gift.
  • A personal and simple yoga exercise that you will love.
  • A short and powerful personal meditation so that your innate skills will work for you even more.
  • Suggestions for mantras that strengthen your development process.
  • The 3 most important do's and don'ts that you can share with those around you so they know how to find the right buttons for you.
  • For each part of your personal manual a tailor made tip, so you can get to know yourself even better and be more in the flow.
  • How you can further fine tune this manual after reading it.
  • And much more...
  • including a 30 minute call with Sat Kirtan in which she answers your most important questions.

Sounds wonderful doesn't it?

I'm looking forward to create yours!

Blessings, Sat Kirtan

PS: For Dutch customers only: you can order the report in Dutch as well, add Blue Print translated into Dutch for 27 euro to your cart.