A practical manual for the best version of yourself.
Can you imagine having had a user manual at birth? Wouldn’t that have been great?
With a Blue Print you can have your personal manual. Finally.
Your personal numbers are explained in a 15 page document. They help you to understand yourself better, so you can be the best version of yourself.
It gives you insights in the experiences in your life, so you can understand them better.
Also you find 3 important do’s en don’ts you can share with friends & family so they can help you be the best version of yourself.
Off course it’s a small summary and it’s not all black and white.
I hope I have inspired you to order a Blue Print Analysis with me.
A 30 minute virtual Q&A session where you can ask question about the Blue Print and have a cup of tea with Sat Kirtan is included.
Order the Blue Print by hitting the button below.
Enter your date of birth in the field ´notes, as I need it to do the analysis for you.

Nynke Rinzema of Movente has had her personal Blue Print mapped and tells about her experience:
“Sat Kirtan has calculated my Blue Print and it touched me more than I had anticipated. Especially my ‘gift’ and my ‘destiny’ are strikingly worded. It was a feeling of looking into the mirror for me. A mirror that does not make me think of who I want to become but makes me feel it directly: this is who I am! Without judgement, without being better or less than who I compare myself to. This is me.
And ‘destiny’ sounds a bit negative but with the explanation, which Sat Kirtan gave me over the phone, this has gotten a positive twist. Sat Kirtan explained each subject (numbers that reflect :), soul, karma, gift, destiny and purpose – so it became clear to me how to interpret the tekst even better. Challenges and powers become even more clear so I felt even more empowered about my personal numbers.
Thank you Sat Kirtan. It is great how you can empower people and take away their doubts and let them experience themselves in a relatively simple way.”

Discover the most powerful version of your team
‘Standing in your own strength’ is a fashion statement. But it has a reason. A team that works from its strength achieves more, is happier and more resilient. But how do you create a strong team? By deploying each and every member in his or her own strength. That sounds easy, but you have to know what the strength is of each person. A Blue Print analysis helps you with this. It is valuable and fun too!
‘Sat Kirtan has created a Blue Print Analysis for our Team and explained the results to us in a workshop. We have laughed a lot, what she told us was very recognisable and applicable directly. I find it has given more understanding within the team and weeks after the session they are still working with it. It is very recommended!´